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My Volumetric Stage
at the
Next Level Festival 
Dortmund Germany

I was from 14.11 to 17.11 2024 in Dortmund at the Next Level Festival. ​​

The Festival for Games, interactive art and digital theater.

I was asked to show the future of media by allowing the audience to record themselves and see the results. I also gave them an overview of the recording technique and its use cases.

Next Level Volumetric Stage.JPG

The three days led to several conversations with universities and academies, innovative media representatives, and researchers from TV or telecommunication companies. However, average gamers, teachers, and families also saw how volumetric video works. Using the Scanned Reality software, I could give them a view of a short recorded moment with them inside the stage in minutes. 

to tell one story in more details :

I got visited by Peter Petersen & Sofia Mellino from the FutureCampusRuhr

Peter and Sofia are a new powerful force in future of transformation of the Ruhr Area.

We talked about how volumetric video could be part of the narrative of this transformation.

Picture done by Sofia Mellino @ Future Campus Ruhr 

@ Picture : Peter Petersen & Me (Martn Demmer)

Picture Credit Sofia Molino Future campus Ruhr

Picture done by Sofia Mellino @ Future Campus Ruhr 

@ Picture : Peter Petersen & Me (Martn Demmer)

​@ Clip :Sofia Mellino

Her glitter shoes were not well recorded in the volumetric stage. Another example you always need to do fabric and cloth /costume tests to be sure that all will be shown well. 

Picture done by Sofia Mellino @ Future Campus Ruhr 

Another program point was the talk organized and moderated

by Tobias Bieseke - StoryLab kiU 

Diskussion: Streifzüge durch Umwelten erweiterter Realitäten!

Guests: Friedrich Kirschner, Pamela Scorzin, Lex Rütten, Martin Demmer.

The human environment is changing due to the technological expansion of reality... and are we still human at all? The tentacles on my lower body speak a different language. Numerous individual experiences of the most diverse forms of reality expansion can be found at festivals, in theaters, applications, museums and various digitally altered environments. And these experiences do something to us. They permeate us and change the way we think. The discussion: “Forays through environments of augmented realities” is a collective therapeutic conversation about our experiences in augmented realities. About technological despair, games, readings, defenselessness, criticism, euphoria, sexuality, borderline experiences, perception or our own experiences that we want to share. The discussion will be represented by guests on stage, but everyone in the audience is welcome to join the discussion. We are looking forward to exciting reports on experiences around the festival and from the field of extended realities!

Video Material by Sofia Mellino @ Future Campus Ruhr 

A tiny moment from my introduction the full talk will be online soon ... 

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