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pragram informations of stereopsia brussels


pragram informations of stereopsia brussels
pragram informations of stereopsia brussels
pragram informations of stereopsia brussels
pragram informations of stereopsia brussels
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This year, Brussels Stereopsia was terrific.


I got invited by XR4Europe (and its amazing Michael Barngroover)

and assigned the task of guiding over some

members of the XR Storytelling Lab "StoryLab KiU" to build new bridges for the future between different creators and the LAB in general.



My main goal was to be at the Volumetric panel "Fri 11:15 -12:00" and maybe add what I believe is happening in Europe now in connection to the Volumetric Video topic !!!


       -> and it worked out beautifully ...


I was invited to the stage as an additional speaker

by Laetitia Bochud - Virtual Switzerland & XR4Europe CH

So, I had the joy to  share my knowledge about volumetric trends

between the others:

NICOLAS LONG - TRINOMA - France - #motion capture

NATASJA PAULSSEN - 4DR Studio - The Netherlands #Volumetric 

HERVÉ VERLOES - POOLPIO / Magic Loom studio - Belgium #motion capture

SÖNKE KIRCHHOF - - Germany #XR In general



After the stage session, I had a fantastic long volumetric nerd talk with Natasja Paulssen!


++++ PLUS ++++


I always do lately not only 2D photos at the events ...


I do as well rough scans out of fun as we are a 3D community

so we should have as well 3D memories to our gatherings:


A rough mobile phone splatt of the entrance area of the Stereospia Venue 

As a compare a meshed OBJ and a Splat of the fotocall wall as I wanted to do afterwards with Jason from the Meta Movie Project

a Foto-Wall VR-Session in the beloved Resonite Social VR Platt as we didnt manage to do this picture together IRL.

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