Film as Art Form and Way of expressing a deeper Message
Film and the Language of Storytelling, in all its layers and sublayers, is my main working field.
For me as a Director, filmmaking is about finding your own voice and a way of shaping the cinematic language to the script or the message you want to tell.
As a Cinematographer, I support the vision of the director with all my knowledge and strength. The fact that I directed myself helps to know how important it is to have a real main supporter (wingman) at your side who serve the vision of the director, instead of having a second one who only follows her or his own way. So when I work as a cinematographer the director can be sure I know I have to respect her or his vision and help it become reality.

That´s me
Volumetric Filmmaker with own moveable volumetric 8 Azure Kinect stage
Educator for innovative storytelling
from Classic's over Multi- and Polyvideo to VR & AR
activity GALLERY

In October 2024, I was invited to give a lecture about volumetric video / Technical approaches and Market cases

I always try to follow a quote by Goethe:„Beginning and end of all artistic activity is the reproduction of the world around us through the world inside of us!"​.
Dipl. Des. (FH) Martn Demmer
Essen, (Germany-NRW) & Sopot (Poland-ThreeCity)
Tel: 0049 178 83 63 0 79